MS quiz bowl sends 2 teams to National Championship

University School of Nashville's Middle School quiz bowl team wrapped up its season with a strong showing against the nation's best over a two-day tournament in Chicago.
By Richard Rosenthal, MS Latin Teacher & Quiz Bowl Coach and Christine Park, Eighth Grade English Teacher

After placing first and second against the best teams in the state at the Tennessee Quiz Bowl tournament, two Middle School quiz bowl teams flew to Chicago to compete against the best in the United States (and from as far away as South Korea and the Northern Mariana Islands) at the National Academic Quiz Tournament 2023 Middle School National Championship.

Ayla Acra '27, Basil Broemel '28, Liam Mooney '28, and Ruchika Ramachandran '27 got USN off to a great start by winning their first match while Charlie Blau '27, Lucia Gellert '27, Karsen Puzniak '27, and Aaron Raney '27 had a first-round bye. When the two teams met up for lunch, they discovered they had enjoyed enormous success, with both teams going 3-1. NAQT rewards this success by giving the teams increasingly difficult competition in the afternoon and both teams ended the first day at 4-4. Against such stiff competition, it is impressive to go 4-4. To have two teams go 4-4 from our school demonstrates the extraordinary depth of the USN's Middle School team.

The teams continued their success on the second day. When they were reunited they discovered that both teams had gone 3-1. The players thank the many parents who joined them, helped keep them fed, cheered their many fast buzzes.

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