USN Middle School students challenged themselves by playing against older players last weekend.
By Richard Rosenthal, MS Latin Teacher & Quiz Bowl Coach
Six members of the Middle School Quiz Bowl team competed in USN’s Snowball Fight on Saturday, February 13 before the snow fell. The tournament attracted some excellent high school teams, including USN’s High School teams.
Basil Broemel '28, Elliot George '29, Matthew Golann '29, Liam Mooney '28, Garrett Northwall '28, and Annie Williamson '28 joined the older players to challenge themselves. They played on two teams, each winning two matches against stiff competition. Individually, Liam and Basil were the 8th and 19th, respectively, highest scorers.
The team would like to thank the USN High School team for inviting them to this special opportunity.
During a fun, cross-division lesson, students from HS History Teacher Ayesha Nawaz’s class came together to tell the story of Native American displacement to Social Studies Teacher Connie Fink’s fifth graders.
Chris Carrabba, legendary artist and father to USN students Caden ‘27 and Alexa ‘29, will perform an acoustic set on Saturday, March 29 for Music Night, our annual adult-only concert in Durnan Auditorium. Tickets are available now for this fundraiser, which supports the arts and athletics at USN.
USN Mission: University School of Nashville models the best educational practices. In an environment that represents the cultural and ethnic composition of Metropolitan Nashville, USN fosters each student’s intellectual, artistic, and athletic potential, valuing and inspiring integrity, creative expression, a love of learning, and the pursuit of excellence.