Support winter sports through Tiger Club

Join our athletic booster known as Tiger Club for access to this season's basketball, swimming, and hockey games and to support all teams at USN. Membership is $100/year per household and can be purchased here. Tiger Club helps pay for upgrades to our athletic facilities, coordinates concessions sales, and sponsors sports recognition evenings. And save these dates:
- Friday, December 8 for Spirit Night
- the week of January 9-12, 2024 for Homecoming
By Josh Scouten, Athletics Director

Show your school spirit by joining the Tiger Club today. Joining our booster club supports student-athletes and gives you access to all regular-season sporting events on the Edgehill Campus and the River Campus.

Tiger Club membership is $100 per household. Membership dollars help enhance programs, venues, and recognition for our student-athletes. Tiger Club contributions over the past few years have enabled the purchase of the River Campus pavilion, bleachers, scoreboards, and dugout benches; cardio machines for the Fitness Center; and, banners and record boards to recognize our athletes' successes. 

Tiger Club family memberships also allow USN to provide concessions at USN’s Sperling and Cheek Gyms; fund sports recognition evenings for Middle and High School athletes after each season; and offer you free admission to all regular season sports games at USN, so you can come out and cheer on our teams.

Even if your students don’t participate on a sports team, please consider supporting their classmates and the 19 sports programs with nearly 100 teams. Tiger Club members help to spread the word that USN athletes are contenders. 

As part of the USN community, we hope you will show your school spirit, wear Columbia blue and garnet proudly, and register as a supporter of our athletes through Tiger Club. Go Tigers!

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USN Mission: 
University School of Nashville models the best educational practices. In an environment that represents the cultural and ethnic composition of Metropolitan Nashville, USN fosters each student’s intellectual, artistic, and athletic potential, valuing and inspiring integrity, creative expression, a love of learning, and the pursuit of excellence.