The Middle School Quiz Bowl team competed in the Spring Forward XV Middle School Academic Challenge and had standout performances, ranking third, fourth, and seventh, and Liam Mooney '28 having the highest score of all competitors at the challenge.
By Richard Rosenthal, MS Quiz Bowl coach
On Saturday, April 6, basketball fans were impressed that a single conference (ACC) had two teams in the Men’s NCAA Final Four. At the same time, Quiz Bowl fans were amazed that a single school (USN) had two teams in the Gallatin Final Four. Indeed, USN had three teams in the Elite Eight.
At the Gallatin High School Spring Forward XV Middle School Academic Challenge, Matthew Golann '29, Asher Huffman '29, Harper Hughey '29, Liam Mooney '28, Asha Guha '28, Lucas Little '29, Eesha Nachnani '28, Vihaan Sinha '29, Clio Cherry-Pulay '29, Elliot George '29, Garrett Northwall '28, and Annie Williamson '28 placed third, fourth, and seventh of the almost 50 teams in the tournament. This is the first time the Middle School team has come home with three trophies.
The future of the Middle School Quiz Bowl looks strong. Sixth graders Maya Arsovski '30, Anna Brook '30, Katie Jane Bruehl '30, Rose Doyle '30, Reya Roy '30, Phoebe Schneider '30, and Claire Yu '30 bravely competed against all these 7th and 8th graders. Both sixth-grade teams won one playoff game against the stiff competition.
Individually, Liam was the highest scorer of the more than 200 competitors at the tournament.
The Quiz Bowl team thanks Seventh Grade Science Teacher Heather Webber '82 for coaching them at the tournament.
Any good Quiz Bowl player knows that “an army marches on its stomach” is attributed to Napoleon or Frederick the Great. The Quiz Bowl team also appreciates the Mooney family and Sixth Grade English Teacher Yue Yuan who supplied the team with bagels and snacks. The teams’ success in the playoffs meant they continued playing for a long time. The nutrition kept the teams going in the final rounds.
Clay Payne '25 will play basketball at Palm Beach Atlantic University, Olivia Barbieri '25 will swim for Denver University, and Alexander Peck '25 will play baseball for the Arkansas Razorbacks.
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